Village Events

Opening of the Five Arches Wildlife Site, Newton by the Mayor of Rugby

On Saturday 25th May the Mayor of Rugby, Councillor Bill Lewis, planted a Wych Elm tree to mark the official opening of the Five Arches Wildlife Site at Newton village.  See the pictures below.  Set at the northern end of the Great Central Way and accessed from the Newton Picnic Area the site had become overgrown with invasive species crowding out wildlife.

Working in partnership with Butterfly Conservation, Newton and Biggin Parish Council is funding restoration works including the removal of brambles and willow, planting of wildflowers, trees and hedgerows, path improvements and the installation of bird boxes.
After the opening ceremony, attended by over 50 people, Mike Slater of Butterfly Conservation led a walk pointing out many species of wildflowers, including orchids, along with the butterflies, dragonflies and birds that are now colonising the site.

If you’d like to know more or get involved in conservation work on the site please contact Mike Slater – or Newton and Biggin Parish Council –


On Saturday 25th May the Mayor of Rugby, Cllr Bill Lewis, planted a Wych Elm tree to mark the official opening of the Five Arches Wildlife Site at Newton village. Set at the northern end of the Great Central Way and accessed from the Newton Picnic Area the site had become overgrown with invasive species crowding out wildlife.
Working in partnership with Butterfly Conservation, Newton and Biggin Parish Council is funding restoration works including the removal of brambles and willow, planting of wildflowers, trees and hedgerows, path improvements and the installation of bird boxes.
After the opening ceremony, attended by over 50 people, Mike Slater of Butterfly Conservation led a walk pointing out many species of wildflowers, including orchids, along with the butterflies, dragonflies and birds that are now colonising the site.

If you’d like to know more or get involved in conservation work on the site please contact Mike Slater ( or Newton and Biggin Parish Council (

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