Public Notice

Temporary Road Closure 18 August 2020 – Little London Lane, Newton

Warwickshire County Council proposes to make a Temporary Traffic Order details as below:

  • Little London Lane will be closed to vehicular traffic between junctions of Newton Road to the end of the road
  • For carriageway patching and associated works, 8am to 4pm
  • Although the order covers an 18 month period, it is 
  • anticipated that the works will take one day
  • Vehicular access and egress will be maintained where possible 
  • Contractor – Balfour Beatty Tel: 03452 415 302.

To report any problems with these works or for further details of  current & planned roadworks visit website or call 01926 412515.  The Road Traffic Regulation Order, Map and Site Notice are attached via these links.   Draft Order (13) Map Site Notice 1 (29)

S Duxbury, Assistant Director of Governance & Policy,
Shire Hall, Warwick, CV34 4RL.
6 August 2020

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