Public Notice

Newton has a new Parish Council taking office from 10 May 2021

The results of the Parish Council Election are as follows: 

There were five vacant Councillor seats.  Four candidates were elected unopposed.  These were, Ian Davis, Anne Davis, Rick Crane and Frank Preston.  It is intended to fill the vacant seat via co-option.  The vacancy is being advertised on the Parish Council notice board and this website.   

Please note that Eve Hassell replaces Leigh Hunt from Rugby Borough Council, who has stood down after a long service and Adrian Warwick continues to represent Warwickshire County Council. 

The Annual Parish Meeting to be held on 27 May 2021 in the Village Hall.

This will be followed by a normal Parish Council meeting and an Assembly (review of the year by the Parish Council Chair) and any reports from village organisations.  Agendas, specifying times will be posted shortly.

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