
Here are the documents relating to the internal audit completed on 19/05/2023

Newton comments 2023 from Internal Auditor

Internal Audit Action Plan – INTERNAL AUDIT ACTION PLAN June 2023 FINAL 


Here are the documents relating to the 2022-23 Annual Governance Assurance Review (AGAR)

Exercise of public rights notification – Notice-of-Public-Rights and see website post here

AGAR – Annual Internal Audit Report 2022-23 – AGAR – Annual Internal Audit Report 2022-23 signed by B. Wooliscroft

AGAR (form 3) section 1 – Annual Governance Statement 2022-23 – Newton and Biggin AGAR section 1 and see website post here

AGAR (form 3) section 2 – Accounting Statements 2022-23 – Newton and Biggin AGAR section 2 and see website post here

AGAR (form 3) section 3 – External Auditor’s Report and Certificate and Letter of Clarification to be read in conjunction with the External Auditor’s Report – Newton and Biggin – Clarification Letter for 202223 Report_1391066     Signed 2023 EA Report – Newton Biggin PC_1366691 and see website post here

Sections 1 and 2 were completed and approved at Newton and Biggin Parish Council Meeting on 29th June 2023 and submitted to the External Auditors on 30th June 2023 and see website post here

Section 3 was completed by the External Auditors Moore UK

A Notice of conclusion of audit is published 22nd September 2023 SA-Notice-of-Conclusion-of-Audit-2023

Other supporting documents:

Explanation of Variances – Explanation-of-variances-pro-forma-2022-23 Newton and Biggin

2022-23 Statement of Accounts Signed

Review of Internal Controls – March 2023

General Assessment of Risk – February 2023