
November Parish Council meeting Draft Notes

DRAFT Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 29 November 2018 at 7.30 pm in the Good Shepherd Church Hall V2

  1. Present – Councillors Ian Davis (ID) Chair, Anne Davis (ADa), Frank Preston (FP), Vanessa Goulborn (VG) and Richard Crane (RC).  Borough Councillor Leigh Hunt (LH), Clerk Allyson Downes (ADo) and two members of the public.
  2. There were no apologies received.
  3. There were no declarations of interest expressed.
  4. Minutes of the meeting held on 16 October 2018 were agreed with no amendments and signed by the Chair. The Chair and Councillors wished to send their very best wishes and hope for a speedy recovery to June Ford.
  5. Matters arising from the minutes:

(a)    Inaccuracy on the Website – the Clerk explained that the website was currently inaccessible and this issue would be addressed when the new website became operational, which is imminent.

(b)    Additional communication methods – the Clerk explained that costs had been explored and it was agreed that this issue would be addressed when the new website became operational and a planned newsletter was active.  Meeting dates and the schedule for the quarterly newsletter would be circulated to counsellors for consideration. ADo

  1. Richard Crane was proposed by the Chair as Vice Chair, seconded by Frank Preston and the motion was carried by members of the Parish Council (PC). It was noted that Richard Crane is the Vice Chair with immediate effect.
  2. Open Session for the Public

(a) Judith Leggatt raised the issue of village transport arrangements and concern about future provision.   The Chair described the current situation with no Clifton service in future and the time limited financial position supported by Lioncourt, Rugby Borough Council (RBC) and Warwick County Council (WCC).  To address these concerns, it was noted that the Chair will meet the Chair of Clifton PC to explore alternative solutions including the suggestion of the alternative route for the no. 4 bus.   He agreed to communicate the outcome of these discussions.  ID

(b) Victoria Andrew raised the issue of willow trees that are overhanging Newton Road and catching the top of delivery vehicles.   Despite previous exploration with WCC, it remains unclear who owns the trees and who is responsible for their trimming.  It was agreed that the Clerk would contact County Councillor Adrian Warwick to endeavour to establish responsibility for tree trimming on Newton Road.  ADo

  1. Burial Committee – RC explained that expenditure is forecast to exceed income by £2,076.00 in 2018/19 partly as a result of a reduced number of internments. The costs of the Burial Ground are split pro-rata with Clifton and Newton’s share is £514.00.  It was agreed that this be paid.  It was also noted that provision for a further operational subsidy would need to be included in future years budgets.  RC confirmed that the Burial Committee would be reviewing its costs and charges.
  2. Christmas tree and lights – The Chair provided an update on arrangements. It was noted that a 12 foot tree was due to be delivered and sited on the Stag and Pheasant ground.  The lights had been provided by Argos, the festive banner had been purchased and delivered.  The Stag and Pheasant would provide refreshments.  Councillors agreed to help with siting and decorating the tree and the PC would provide a flyer to invite village residents to attend the switch on   ADo.  Anne Davis agreed to ask Ruth Hughes to lead on carol singing ADa.  It was agreed to pay the Chair £89.63 for the Festive Banner he had purchased on behalf of the PC. ADo
  3. Remembrance Sunday – The Chair reviewed the Remembrance Sunday arrangements and noted its success with circa 150 attendees and extended thanks to participants, including members of the PC, the Reverent Lyons, the Girl Guides, Noel for historic research and hosting visiting families, Jane for refreshments, Henry Corbin for playing the bugle, Rosemary for the service sheet and music, Jim for the silhouette soldiers, Ginny for the ceramic poppies and everybody else who assisted. It was proposed and agreed that this would be an annual event and the metal silhouette soldier figures would remain in situ.  All monies raised from the sale of poppies and teas would be sent to the British Legion once the poppy installation monies had been received and totalled.
  4. Village Hall and Allotments ownership update – FP reported there was no further progress to report at this time. The Chair described the planned Village Hall restoration and it was noted that the PC’s solicitors had confirmed that the PC are trustees of the village hall and though there was a delay in formalising this, planned improvements can commence.  The Village Hall Committee (VHC) is understood to have reserves of £5,000 and the Parish Council could consider investing £15,000 – £20,000 (subject to other budget demands).  A replacement roof is estimated to cost about £10,000.   LH suggested that the RBC Rural Communities Fund may contribute – grant support could be pursued in respect of the roof replacement (weatherproofing and thermal efficiency) leaving a greater balance for other improvements.  RC would establish a Working Group to explore improvement options and manage the project.  The PC would be represented by RC and VG, two representatives would be sought from the Village Hall Committee plus FP (who sits on both the PC and the VHC).  The Clerk would liaise with LH re grants.
  1. Village Show – It was noted that the Lioncourt build programme with a scheduled completion date of September 2019, leaves little planning time for a show in 2019. It was agreed that September 2020 was a more realistic target date.
  2. Superfast Broadband and the Gigabyte Voucher Scheme – LH reported that Superfast Broadband was now fully installed in the village and she described the business grant criteria associated with the voucher scheme. It was noted that there is an upcoming event to promote the scheme and it was agreed to promote this via Facebook, details to be established by the Clerk.  ADo
  3. New Residents Information Pack – RC had reviewed existing material and whilst acknowledging it needs updating, considered the information beneficial and specific to the village. RC suggested the information would be helpful for all residents on-line and in hard copy.  RC agreed to consider the disc content and further progress would be an agenda item at the next meeting.  RC and ADo
  4. Planning Consultations – Two planning consultations were discussed and there had been no comments received:
  • Minerals Plan – no comment
  • Boundary extensions to two PSPOs – no comment.

However, in respect of the Minerals Plan, Newton and Biggin Parish Council is responding from the perspective of safeguarding the amenities of residents and businesses in the Parish.  As such it raised no objection to the Plan.  This should not be read as a positive endorsement for all of the allocations which may well be the subject of legitimate concern from other local councils and residents.  Whilst no sites are allocated in Newton and Biggin Parish, Site 3/32 Shawell Quarry, is nearby.  Newton and Biggin Parish Council raises no objection to its allocation subject to the provisions of Policy S3 being incorporated in any planning permission.  The Clerk would confirm these comments to the planning authorities. ADo

  1. Planter Provision – ADa described her inquiries into planter provision to the north and south of the village. It was agreed that £1,200 would be considered in the budget for 2019/20 for four planters.
  2. SLCC funding – It was agreed that the PC would fund subscription to this society as there are specific benefits for new Clerks and PCs. The Clerk would organise a cheque for £63.
  3. Stage Coach Bus Service – this item had been covered previously in item 7a.
  4. (a) Financial Report and Budget Planning – the Clerk described the current financial position based on the up to date bank statement and the financial instruction around reserves. She also described plans for the precept and budget setting process.  It was agreed that a further informal budget setting meeting is required once the precept information is received from RBC. ADo

(b) The Clerk described a training course she had attended regarding planning for   elections.  It was noted, that this was not an issue for the PC in 2019, however, there is a requirement for a Parish Meeting and an Annual meeting.  These would be progressed by the Clerk in collaboration with the PC. ADo

(c)  It was noted that Refuse Collection arrangements had been received and it was agreed that these would be shared via the Notice Board and on Facebook (to be repeated nearer Christmas) ADo

(d) Accreditation – the Clerk introduced the concept of Foundation Accreditation from the National Association of Local Councils (NALC).  The PC agreed to further consider this once the success criteria was shared by the Clerk.  ADo

  1. The Clerk proposed an annual calendar of meetings. It was agreed to circulate the proposed dates to the PC members prior to agreement. ADo

There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.45pm.

Ian Davis – Chair

Date: 30 November 2018

Allyson Downes – Parish Clerk

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