
Agenda – Parish Council Meeting Thursday 23 April 2020

In the present circumstances the Parish Council will not be able to meet again for the foreseeable future so arrangements have been put in place for decisions to be made and work to continue. All significant decisions will be made on the dates that the Council was due to meet.

Advance notice will be given by the publishing of an ‘Agenda’ in the normal way and all decisions will be recorded in Minutes that will also be published.

If you have any issues that you’d like to bring to the Parish Council’s attention please let one of the Councillors know or send them to


1.To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 19 March 2020.

2. Village Hall:

a) Re-pointing and Porch. Provision has been made for this item in the 2020/21 budget subject to support from a Rugby Borough Council (RBC) grant. As RBC has suspended the grant pro-cess progress on the work will need to be postponed.
b) Curtains. New curtains are required to complement the recent improvements and redecoration and also to allow use of the new projector. The cost can be met from the 19/20 underspend. The Clerk will investigate costs etc. and report back to the next ‘meeting’.

3. Financial Report – The Parish Council end of year accounts are currently being assessed by our
Auditor and her report will be available for scrutiny in due course.

4. Invoices to pay – Approval is sought to pay the following invoices:

a) Village Memorial Hall Decoration – To note the cost of redecoration and to approve paying the invoice for £589.57
b) EON electricity bill for £38.67 for street lighting March 2020
c) Annual Subscription renewal to WALC, (Warwickshire Association of Local Councils) for £326.00.

5. Consultation on Planning Application – ref: R20/0272 – Land north east of Castle Mound Way,
Rugby. Details can be viewed by visiting the electronic planning portal on 

6. Next scheduled meeting date – 21 May 2020.

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