Village Events

Daffodil Planting – Sunday 3rd November 2019 09.30am meet in the Newton Village Hall

Can those people who’ve already volunteered to assist with bulb planting (plus any others who’d like to join in) please note that the planting is scheduled Image result for pictures of daffodils and narcissi not subject to copyrightfor Sunday 3rd November.  Please be at the Village Hall at 09.30 where we’ll have a quick briefing and hand out the bulbs and a plan showing ‘your’ verge.  Please bring your own spade or bulb planter.  When we’ve finished we’ll re-assemble in the Hall to identify any problems over refreshments.  If you can’t make the 3rd of November, let us know and we’ll try and arrange for you to do planting at a time of your convenience.

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