Public Notice

Monthly update from Philip Seccombe, Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner – July 2021

Here is the latest news from Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner, Philip Seccombe.

Monthly Update from Philip Seccombe
July 2021
This month has seen the beginning of the process to ease lockdown restrictions and, while coronavirus is still very much with us, the vaccination programme is allowing us to begin restoring daily life a little closer to normality. There’s more opportunity to get out and about I’ve been pleased to be able to conduct my first in-person visit to a grant-funded project in well over a year, as well as beginning a tour of our police estate with a trip to Rugby (see below).

Of course, while a majority of us have been working from home or finding our daily routines have been very different over these past 18 months, I am mindful that policing has continued to be a front-facing public service throughout.  Officers and PCSOs have continued to be an ever-present on the streets, despite the additional personal risks that Covid-19 has brought.

That’s why I’ve spoken out in support of police officers receiving a pay rise for 2021/22, in recognition of the role they have played throughout the pandemic. In my view, the Government needs to think again about its decision to impose a pay freeze on all but those officers with salaries of less than £24,000.

A letter urging a rethink of that decision and asking for central funding for a pay increase has been sent to the Home Secretary by the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners, a move I fully endorse.

Here in Warwickshire and across the country police officers have tirelessly continued to keep people safe and protect them from harm throughout the pandemic.  Behind the scenes, police staff too have made a huge contribution, ensuring that our call centres and control rooms continue to function and that frontline policing has the services and support it needs to continue to protect the public. They have done this magnificently, overcoming the many challenges this national emergency has provoked.

In these circumstances, I believe a pay increase would be warranted and would receive support from the public, provided that such an increase was properly funded and not left to local Council Tax payers to pick up the tab.

A pay increase for police officers and indeed police staff would do much to boost morale in the workforce, however, it is not something that could be funded from existing force finances. For example, across the remainder of this financial year, a one percent increase on pay would require around £500,000 to be found from existing budgets and this would have an inevitable impact on services to the public.

While undoubtedly the current challenges posed by the pandemic on public sector finances are heavy, policing has already made a huge contribution to improving the national balance sheet over the last decade, including many years of pay restraint for officers and staff.

Across policing we continue to find more efficient and cost-effective ways of working and here in Warwickshire I have been insistent on a setting a balanced budget to ensure we spend only within our means.

I think it is now time for the Government to recognise the outstanding circumstances which have led to this request for a pay increase for all and I hope they engage constructively with police and crime commissioners to make this a reality.

Philip Seccombe TD
Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner

Charity gets funding boost to to rehabilitate offenders

Presenting Futures Unlocked with their £10,000 grant to Chair of Trustees Mark Mansell, Community Chaplain Melissa Quinlan and trustee Emma Wells.
My Commissioner’s Grants Scheme provides vital funding to a wide range of initiatives which support my vision of a safer, more secure Warwickshire. Recently I visited Futures Unlocked, in order to present them with a £10,000 grant from my Reducing Reoffending Grants.  The Rugby-based charity works to reduce re-offending across the county by providing mentoring support to individuals on their release from prison.Case referrals come predominately from the National Probation Service, often for individuals who have served sentences for high risk offences such as murder, robbery and serious sexual offences, though clients can also self-refer or be suggested by other partners such as the police. The charity supports more than 100 clients a year on average, who come from a wide variety of backgrounds and circumstances.

By working closely with their trained volunteer mentor from Futures Unlocked, clients can get help with accessing accommodation and benefits, attending Probation appointments, registering with a GP and getting help for substance misuse problems. They can also receive support around family matters and get assistance to help them work towards education and employment.

Having people locked into a cycle of crime is of no benefit to anyone, and the mentoring provided by Futures Unlocked gives a real opportunity for those coming out of the prison system to successfully settle back into the community and lead productive and crime-free lives.

Ultimately, that means fewer lives being blighted by crime in the future, not to mention the benefits for the taxpayer of not having the same people coming through the criminal justice system time and again.

It was great to be able to meet the team in person to present their grant and also hear first-hand about the very beneficial work they do.

To find out more about Futures Unlocked and read case studies from people they have helped, visit:

Meeting the teams that keep Rugby residents safe

Philip Seccombe with members of the Safer Neighbourhood Team and Community Warden
Pictured at Rugby Police Station with, from left, PCSO Gus Nasser, Head Community Warden Claire Baldwin and PC Matt Birch.Following on from seeing Futures Unlocked, I dropped into Rugby Police Station to meet officers from the Safer Neighbourhood Team and Rugby Borough Council’s Community Wardens.  It’s been some time since I’ve been able to visit the station and I am keen over the coming weeks and months to visit all parts of our police estate around the county.

Greeted by area Inspector Sally Bunyard-Spears, I was given a brief tour of the station, taking the opportunity to talk with front counter staff, members of the Rural Crime Team and patrol policing officers, before joining PC Matt Birch and PCSO Gus Nasser for a briefing on their recent activities in the area.

Warwickshire Police has embedded a strong problem-solving ethos into the work of the Safer Neighbourhood Teams and it was good to hear how the teams in Rugby have been working to address some of the long-standing issues local communities have raised.

Integral to this has been the close working relationship the police have with the Community Wardens.  It met with Head Warden Claire Baldwin and several members of her team before heading out on patrol with them in the town centre.

The Community Wardens patrol streets and open spaces across the borough seven days a week, responding to calls from residents.  Working with the Safer Neighbourhood police teams they tackle a range of issues, including:

  • anti-social behaviour
  • noise complaints
  • graffiti
  • fly-tipping

They also work proactively, patrolling schools to monitor parking issues and issuing crime prevention advice.

Together with the Rugby First Rangers and the Rugby Street Pastors, the borough has an enviable team working to keep communities safe, all of whom I can now say I’ve had the chance to meet and engage with.

Speeding in focus as roads become busier

Close up of a 30mph road sign
Warwickshire Police is asking speeding motorists to #SlowDownSaveLives and obey speed limits in a campaign that aims to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured on Warwickshire’s roads.

As well as breaking the law, those who speed are being irresponsible and dangerous as the risks to themselves and other road users are high.

Speed kills and in Warwickshire despite COVID, between 1 January 2018 and 31 December 2020, 40 people were killed and 317 seriously injured in collisions where speed and/or loss of control was recorded as a contributory factor.

Speeding in residential areas puts lives at risk as pedestrians are four times more likely to die if hit by a vehicle travelling at 40mph than at 30mph.

The risks of being caught are also high. In Warwickshire, in 2019, 45,783 people were caught speeding in the county and even in 2020 during lockdown with less vehicles on the road 33,640 people were caught speeding in Warwickshire.

Throughout the campaign police officers, PCSOs, special constables and Community Speed Watch volunteers across Warwickshire will be out and about in local communities taking part in a mixture of enforcement and educational initiatives.

With road safety and reducing the numbers of people being killed or seriously injured on our roles remaining one of my key priorities, I hope the campaign successfully raises further awareness and encourages everyone to drive safely.

Join our team - we're hiring!
A number of exciting opportunities to join the team at the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner have opened up and I’m keen to hear from interested applicants.

Communications and Engagement Officer

I’m looking for a motivated and enthusiastic individual with great interpersonal skills who can communicate effectively with people from a wide range of backgrounds and circumstances, from members of the public to representatives of our key stakeholders and partners.

The successful candidate will be responsible for ensuring there is meaningful engagement and communication across these individuals and groups. The role is varied and can include accompanying me to public meetings, planning and organising community engagement events or producing a social media marketing campaign which really grabs the attention of target audiences.

With a background in communications or previous experience of engagement gained in a relevant professional area, the right person will demonstrate a have a proven ability to work as part of a busy but friendly team, often managing competing demands.

Independent member of the Joint Audit and Standards Committee

Do you want to help scrutinise the way your policing finances operate?  Could you offer a strong and independent voice on corporate governance affairs?  Do you have significant skills and experience in dealing with ethical issues?

Together with the Chief Constable for Warwickshire, I am looking for a politically-neutral individual with a good understanding and experience of public sector legislation and guidance to join existing members of the Joint Audit and Standards Committee.

The Committee reviews and scrutinises the affairs of the PCC’s office and the Warwickshire force. Issues considered by the Committee include risk management, internal control, corporate governance, standards and ethics.

To apply for either role, visit my website at:


Contacting the OPCC

You can contact me at the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner by email at or by phone at 01926 733523.  Wherever possible, please try to contact us by email in the first instance, but please note that due to our revised working arrangements during the pandemic, it may take us longer than usual to provide you with a reply.
Keep up to date with the latest news from the Warwickshire PCC
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