Public Notice

Planning Consultation R20/0272 – Coton East

You probably know that the area known as Coton East is allocated for development in the Rugby Local Plan.  The area extends from the existing Coton Park estate to the Great Central Railway footpath.  As parts of Coton East are brought forward for development, the Parish Council is consulted on the planning applications.

The latest of these is for the extension of the commercial development at Coton, alongside the M6.  All access is via existing roads off the Leicester Road.  Here is the link to the application which can be viewed on-line at:   https://planning 

It is a large an complex proposal and the application comprises 39 documents including a Master Plan supported by environmental, ecological, archaeological, air quality and other studies.  

Any comments that you want to make should be sent directly to Rugby Borough Council quoting  reference R20/0272 – Coton East.


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