Village Events

Planting Spring Bulbs in Village verges – Update

Image result for pictures of daffodils and narcissi not subject to copyright

A big Thank You for the Volunteers who have come forward to help plant the spring bulbs in the village verges.

The Parish Council has ordered daffodil and narcissi bulbs to plant in the verges around the village and these will be need to be planted in the next month or so.

It’s not too late if you would like to help with this great village activity, please either contact myself on 0771 428 3310 or via this website or contact the Parish Council Chair, Ian Davis via the Village Events Facebook page.

Once the bulbs are delivered we will announce the planting details.

Thank you again if you have already volunteered and please help if you can.  There are a lot of bulbs!

Allyson Downes – Parish Clerk





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