Remembrance Sunday 2018
Thank you to everybody who contributed to and attended today’s Remembrance Service in the village. 150 people came to show their respect to those fellow villagers who gave their lives in both World Wars. We were honoured to welcome relatives of the fallen. I only have a couple of photographs, hopefully more will be posted by others.
Ceramic poppy making workshop
Virginia Dowe-Edwards Ceramics ran a poppy making workshop for our village, Newton in Warwickshire. We had young and old join us to sculpt, paint and glaze. Everyone started out with the same template, so it was wonderful to see so many different forms of poppy. It’s been a fantastic community project to be involved in.
We had a remembrance service in the village this morning and the dedication of a new plaque, naming those who lost their lives from the village in WW1 & WW2.
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