
Rugby in Bloom 2019 – Five Arches Wildlife Site, Newton – GOLD AWARD

As you probably know, the Parish Council has been working in partnership with Butterfly Conservation to transform the area to the north and south of the picnic site into the Five Arches Wildlife Site.  The project is now into its third year and the results are beginning to show – not only are there more butterflies (including some rare species) but there’s a greater range of wild flowers and other plants, and more mammals, birds and dragonflies.
In recognition of the progress made it has been announced that the site has received a GOLD AWARD at this year’s Rugby in Bloom event.  The award will be presented at a ceremony at the Benn Hall on 18th September.
Many thanks to all of the volunteers whose efforts have led to this success.  If you’d like to be involved with the future development of the site please contact (Butterfly Conservation) or


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